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Our Services

  • At Soheil Star Technology Development Company, we have tried to cover all services and products in the field of the Internet of Things. For example:
  • We provide IoT engineering technical services. This means that we will be by your side to solve problems and respond to various needs so that you can achieve the best answer by providing advice. Also, for your ideas and desires, we will do accurate, technical, and efficient design, tailored to the basic needs, and finally, implement and execute your designs in the form of hardware and software products.
  • We provide IoT products, infrastructure components, and components. Using the facilities we have provided in the IoT poles of the world, we can provide the products you want, infrastructure equipment such as communication gateways and… as well as the electronic components you want with the best quality, the most appropriate price and We will provide it to you in the fastest time.
  • We offer creative solutions. We are always thinking about how we can combine the Internet of Things and everyday problems to create creative solutions that lead to value creation and problem-solving. For some of these problems, we have provided solutions or ideas that we hope to one day provide as a common tool to our fellow human beings.
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